( function() {
"use strict";
* 길이 측정 객체.
* 마우스로 지도상에서 거리를 측정할 수 있는 객체.
* @constructor
* @example
* <pre>
* var ugLengthMeasure = new ugmp.control.uGisLengthMeasure( {
* uGisMap : new ugmp.uGisMap({...}),
* useSnap : true,
* useDragPan : true,
* cursorCssName : 'cursor-measureDistance',
* activeChangeListener : function(state_) {
* console.log( state_ );
* }
* } );
* </pre>
* @param opt_options {Object}
* @param opt_options.uGisMap {ugmp.uGisMap} {@link ugmp.uGisMap ugmp.uGisMap} 객체.
* @param opt_options.useDragPan {Boolean} 지도 이동 사용 여부. Default is `false`.
* @param opt_options.cursorCssName {String} 마우스 커서 CSS Class Name.
* @param opt_options.activeChangeListener {Function} 컨트롤의 상태 변경 CallBack.
* @Extends {ugmp.control.uGisMeasureDefault}
ugmp.control.uGisLengthMeasure = ( function(opt_options) {
var _self = this;
var _super;
* Initialize
( function() {
var options = opt_options || {};
options.drawType = "LineString";
options.useDrawEndDisplay = true;
options.featureStyle = new ol.style.Style( {
stroke : new ol.style.Stroke( {
color : "#ffcc33",
width : 3
} ),
image : new ol.style.Circle( {
radius : 7,
fill : new ol.style.Fill( {
color : "#ffcc33"
} )
} )
} );
options.drawingStyle = new ol.style.Style( {
stroke : new ol.style.Stroke( {
color : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)",
lineDash : [ 10, 10 ],
width : 2
} )
} );
_super = ugmp.control.uGisMeasureDefault.call( _self, options );
} )();
// END initialize
return ugmp.util.uGisUtil.objectMerge( _super, {
_this : _self
} );
} );
ugmp.control.uGisLengthMeasure.prototype = Object.create( ugmp.control.uGisMeasureDefault.prototype );
ugmp.control.uGisLengthMeasure.prototype.constructor = ugmp.control.uGisLengthMeasure;
* 초기화
* @override {ugmp.control.uGisMeasureDefault.prototype._init}
* @private
ugmp.control.uGisLengthMeasure.prototype._init = function() {
var _self = this._this || this;
ugmp.control.uGisMeasureDefault.prototype._init.call( this );
_self.continueMsg = "길이 측정";
_self.interaction.on( "drawstart", function(evt) {
_self.sketch = evt.feature;
/** @type {ol.Coordinate|undefined} */
var tooltipCoord = evt.coordinate;
_self.sketchChangeListener = _self.sketch.getGeometry().on( "change", function(evt) {
var geom = evt.target;
var output = _self._formatLength( geom );
tooltipCoord = geom.getLastCoordinate();
_self.measureTooltipElement.innerHTML = output;
_self.measureTooltip.setPosition( tooltipCoord );
} );
}, this );
_self.interaction.on( "drawend", function(evt) {
var temp = _self.measureTooltip;
_self.measureTooltipElement.className = "tooltip tooltip-static";
_self.measureTooltip.setOffset( [ 0, -7 ] );
var closer = document.createElement( "a" );
closer.href = "#";
closer.className = "tooltip-closer";
closer.onclick = function() {
_self.uGisMap.getMap().removeOverlay( temp );
_self.removeFeature( evt.feature );
return false;
_self.measureTooltipElement.appendChild( closer );
_self.sketch = null;
_self.measureTooltipElement = null;
ol.Observable.unByKey( _self.sketchChangeListener );
}, this );
* Format length output.
* @param {ol.geom.LineString} line The line.
* @private
* @return {String} The formatted length.
ugmp.control.uGisLengthMeasure.prototype._formatLength = function(line_) {
var _self = this._this || this;
var length = ol.Sphere.getLength( line_, {
projection : _self.uGisMap.getCRS()
} );
var output;
if ( length > 100 ) {
output = ( Math.round(length / 1000 * 100) / 100 ) + " " + "km";
} else {
output = ( Math.round(length * 100) / 100 ) + " " + "m";
return output;
} )();