( function() {
"use strict";
* uGisMapPlatForm 지형 공간 유틸리티.
* 지형 공간 정보 처리에 필요한 유틸리티 객체.
* @namespace
ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil = ( function() {
return {
toRadians : this.toRadians,
toDegrees : this.toDegrees,
getGeomCenter : this.getGeomCenter,
getLargestPolygon : this.getLargestPolygon,
getLargestLineString : this.getLargestLineString,
lineToArcTransForm : this.lineToArcTransForm,
getRadianBtwPoints : this.getRadianBtwPoints,
getDegreeBtwPoints : this.getDegreeBtwPoints,
getDistanceBtwPotins : this.getDistanceBtwPotins
} );
* Radian을 Degree로 변환한다.
* @param degree {Number} Degree(도).
* @return {Number} Radian(라디안).
ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil.prototype.toRadians = function(degree_) {
return degree_ / 180.0 * Math.PI;
* Degree를 Radian으로 변환한다.
* @param radian {Number} Radian(라디안).
* @return {Number} Degree(도).
ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil.prototype.toDegrees = function(radian_) {
return radian_ * 180.0 / Math.PI;
* 두 점 사이의 Radian(라디안)을 구한다.
* @param coordinate1 {Array.<Number>} 점1 [x, y].
* @param coordinate2 {Array.<Number>} 점2 [x, y].
* @return {Number} 두 점 사이의 Radian(라디안).
ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil.prototype.getRadianBtwPoints = function(coordinate1, coordinate2) {
var pX1 = coordinate1[ 0 ];
var pY1 = coordinate1[ 1 ];
var pX2 = coordinate2[ 0 ];
var pY2 = coordinate2[ 1 ];
return Math.atan2( pY2 - pY1, pX2 - pX1 );
* 두 점 사이의 Degree(도)를 구한다.
* @param coordinate1 {Array.<Number>} 점1 [x, y].
* @param coordinate2 {Array.<Number>} 점2 [x, y].
* @return {Number} 두 점 사이의 Degree(도).
ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil.prototype.getDegreeBtwPoints = function(coordinate1, coordinate2) {
var radian = this.getRadianBtwPoints( coordinate1, coordinate2 );
return this.toDegrees( radian );
* 두 점 사이의 거리를 구한다.
* @param coordinate1 {Array.<Number>} 점1 [x, y].
* @param coordinate2 {Array.<Number>} 점2 [x, y].
* @return {Number} 두 점 사이의 거리.
ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil.prototype.getDistanceBtwPotins = function(c1, c2) {
return Math.sqrt( Math.pow( ( c1[ 0 ] - c2[ 0 ] ), 2 ) + Math.pow( ( c1[ 1 ] - c2[ 1 ] ), 2 ) );
* 일반 라인을 호 형태의 라인으로 변환한다.
* -featureList는 피처의 속성이 `ol.geom.LineString`또는 `ol.geom.MultiLineString`이다.
* @param originCRS {String} 피처 원본 좌표계.
* @param featureList {Array.<ol.Feature.<ol.geom.LineString|ol.geom.MultiLineString>>} 변활할 피처 리스트.
* @return reData {Array.<ol.Feature.<ol.geom.LineString>>} 변환된 호 형태의 피처 리스트.
ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil.prototype.lineToArcTransForm = function(originCRS_, featureList_) {
var _self = this;
var reData = [];
var transFormFeatures = [];
( function() {
var features = featureList_.slice();
for ( var i = 0; i < features.length; i++ ) {
var geom = features[ i ].getGeometry();
if ( !geom ) {
if ( geom instanceof ol.geom.LineString ) {
transFormFeatures.push( new ol.Feature( {
geometry : geom
} ) );
} else if ( geom instanceof ol.geom.MultiLineString ) {
var lineStrings = geom.getLineStrings();
for ( var j = 0; j < lineStrings.length; j++ ) {
transFormFeatures.push( new ol.Feature( {
geometry : lineStrings[ j ]
} ) );
} )();
function _transFormArc() {
for ( var j = 0; j < transFormFeatures.length; j++ ) {
var customCoordinates = [];
var coords = transFormFeatures[ j ].getGeometry().getCoordinates();
for ( var i = 0; i < coords.length - 1; i++ ) {
var from = coords[ i ];
var to = coords[ i + 1 ];
var dist = _self.getDistanceBtwPotins( from, to );
var midPoint = _draw_curve( from, to, ( dist / 5 ) );
var line = {
type : "Feature",
properties : {},
geometry : {
type : "LineString",
coordinates : [ from, midPoint, to ]
var curved = turf.bezier( line, 3000, 1.5 );
customCoordinates = customCoordinates.concat( curved[ "geometry" ][ "coordinates" ] );
var newFeature = new ol.Feature( {
geometry : new ol.geom.LineString( customCoordinates )
} );
reData.push( newFeature );
function _draw_curve(from_, to_, dist_) {
// Find midpoint J
var Ax = from_[ 0 ];
var Ay = from_[ 1 ];
var Bx = to_[ 0 ];
var By = to_[ 1 ];
var Jx = Ax + ( Bx - Ax ) / 5 * 3;
var Jy = Ay + ( By - Ay ) / 5 * 3;
var a = Bx - Ax;
var b = By - Ay;
var asign = ( a < 0 ? -1 : 1 );
var bsign = ( b < 0 ? -1 : 1 );
var theta = Math.atan( b / a );
// Find the point that's perpendicular to J on side
var costheta = asign * Math.cos( theta );
var sintheta = asign * Math.sin( theta );
// Find c and d
var c = dist_ * sintheta;
var d = dist_ * costheta;
// Use c and d to find Kx and Ky
var Kx = Jx - c;
var Ky = Jy + d;
return [ Kx, Ky ];
return reData;
* MultiLineString의 가장 큰 LineString을 가져온다.
* @param geom_ {ol.geom.MultiLineString} MultiLineString.
* @return {LineString} 가장 큰 LineString.
ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil.prototype.getLargestLineString = function(geom_) {
if ( !geom_ || geom_.getType() !== ol.geom.GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING ) return false;
return geom_.getLineStrings().reduce( function(left, right) {
return left.getLength() > right.getLength() ? left : right;
} );
* MultiPolygon의 가장 큰 Polygon을 가져온다.
* @param geom_ {ol.geom.MultiPolygon} MultiPolygon.
* @return {Polygon} 가장 큰 Polygon.
ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil.prototype.getLargestPolygon = function(geom_) {
if ( !geom_ || geom_.getType() !== ol.geom.GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON ) return false;
return geom_.getPolygons().reduce( function(left, right) {
return left.getArea() > right.getArea() ? left : right;
} );
* Geometry의 중심점을 가져온다.
* @param geom {ol.geom.Geometry} Geometry.
* @return {Array.<Number>} 중심점[x, y].
ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil.prototype.getGeomCenter = function(geom_) {
if ( !geom_ || !geom_ instanceof ol.geom.Geometry ) return false;
var coordinate = [];
var geometry = geom_;
var geometryType = geometry.getType();
switch ( geometryType ) {
case ol.geom.GeometryType.POINT :
case ol.geom.GeometryType.MULTI_POINT :
coordinate = geometry.getFlatCoordinates();
case ol.geom.GeometryType.CIRCLE :
coordinate = geometry.getCenter();
case ol.geom.GeometryType.LINE_STRING :
coordinate = geometry.getFlatMidpoint();
case ol.geom.GeometryType.MULTI_LINE_STRING :
coordinate = this.getLargestLineString( geometry ).getFlatMidpoint();
case ol.geom.GeometryType.POLYGON :
coordinate = geometry.getFlatInteriorPoint();
case ol.geom.GeometryType.MULTI_POLYGON :
// coordinate = this.getLargestPolygon( geometry ).getInteriorPoint().getCoordinates();
coordinate = this.getLargestPolygon( geometry ).getFlatInteriorPoint();
return coordinate;
ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil = new ugmp.util.uGisGeoSpatialUtil();
} )();