( function() {
"use strict";
* Cluster 레이어 객체.
* Cluster 데이터를 표현할 수 있는 레이어 객체.
* @todo ★View 좌표계 변경에 따른 피처 좌표계 변환★ 기능 개발
* @example
* <pre>
* var ugVectorLayer = new ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer( {
* distance : 50,
* features : [ new ol.Feature( {
* geometry : new ol.geom.Point({...})
* } ) ],
* useAnimation : true,
* style : new ol.style.Style({...})
* } );
* </pre>
* @constructor
* @param opt_options {Object}
* @param opt_options.distance {Number} 클러스터 사이의 거리. Default is `50`.
* @param opt_options.useAnimation {Boolean} 애니메이션 효과 사용 여부. Default is `true`.
* @param opt_options.features {Array<ol.Feature>|ol.Collection} 대상 피처 리스트.
* @param opt_options.style {ol.style.Style|Array.<ol.style.Style>|ol.StyleFunction} 스타일.
* @Extends {ugmp.layer.uGisLayerDefault}
* @class
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer = ( function(opt_options) {
var _self = this;
var _super = null;
this.style = null;
this.distance = null;
this.features = null;
this.clusters = null;
this.animation = null;
this.oldcluster = null;
this.useAnimation = null;
* Initialize
( function() {
var options = opt_options || {};
options.layerType = "Cluster";
options.useGetFeature = false;
_super = ugmp.layer.uGisLayerDefault.call( _self, options );
_self.clusters = [];
_self.oldcluster = new ol.source.Vector();
_self.animation = {
start : false
_self.style = ( options.style !== undefined ) ? options.style : _self._defaultStyle;
_self.features = ( options.features !== undefined ) ? options.features : [];
_self.distance = ( typeof ( options.distance ) === "number" ) ? options.distance : 50;
_self.useAnimation = ( typeof ( options.useAnimation ) === "boolean" ) ? options.useAnimation : true;
} )();
// END Initialize
return ugmp.util.uGisUtil.objectMerge( _super, {
_this : _self,
setDistance : _self.setDistance,
getFeatures : _self.getFeatures,
setUseAnimation : _self.setUseAnimation
} );
} );
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype = Object.create( ugmp.layer.uGisLayerDefault.prototype );
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype.constructor = ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer;
* init
* @private
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype._init = function(state_) {
var _self = this._this || this;
_self.olLayer = new ol.layer.Vector( {
source : new ol.source.Cluster( {
distance : _self.distance,
source : new ol.source.Vector( {
features : _self.features
} )
} ),
style : _getStyle
} );
_self.setUseAnimation( _self.useAnimation );
_self.olLayer.set( 'animationMethod', ol.easing.easeOut );
// Save cluster before change
_self.olLayer.getSource().on( 'change', _self._saveCluster, _self );
// Animate the cluster
_self.olLayer.on( 'precompose', _self._animate, _self );
_self.olLayer.on( 'postcompose', _self._postanimate, _self );
var styleCache = {};
function _getStyle(feature, resolution) {
var size = feature.get( 'features' ).length;
var style = styleCache[ size ];
if ( !style ) {
if ( typeof _self.style === "function" ) {
style = _self.style.call( this, feature, resolution );
} else {
style = _self.style;
styleCache[ size ] = style;
return [ style ];
* 기본 스타일
* @private
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype._defaultStyle = function(feature, resolution) {
var size = feature.get( 'features' ).length;
var color = size > 25 ? "192,0,0" : size > 8 ? "255,128,0" : "0,128,0";
var radius = Math.max( 8, Math.min( size * 0.75, 20 ) );
var dash = 2 * Math.PI * radius / 6;
var dash = [ 0, dash, dash, dash, dash, dash, dash ];
var style = new ol.style.Style( {
image : new ol.style.Circle( {
radius : radius,
stroke : new ol.style.Stroke( {
color : "rgba(" + color + ",0.5)",
width : 15,
lineDash : dash,
lineCap : "butt"
} ),
fill : new ol.style.Fill( {
color : "rgba(" + color + ",1)"
} )
} ),
text : new ol.style.Text( {
text : size.toString(),
fill : new ol.style.Fill( {
color : '#fff'
} )
} )
} );
return style;
* 클러스터 애니메이션 효과 사용 여부 설정.
* @param state {Boolean} 애니메이션 효과 사용 여부.
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype.setUseAnimation = function(state_) {
var _self = this._this || this;
_self.olLayer.set( 'animationDuration', state_ ? 700 : 0 );
* 클러스터 사이의 거리 설정.
* @param distance {Number} 클러스터 사이의 거리.
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype.setDistance = function(distance_) {
var _self = this._this || this;
var source = _self.olLayer.getSource();
ol.source.Cluster.prototype.setDistance.call( source, distance_ );
* 레이어의 Feature 리스트를 가져온다.
* @return features {Array.<ol.Feature>} 피처 리스트.
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype.getFeatures = function() {
var _self = this._this || this;
return _self.olLayer.getSource().getSource().getFeatures();
* _saveCluster
* @private
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype._saveCluster = function() {
var _self = this._this || this;
if ( !_self.olLayer.get( 'animationDuration' ) ) return;
var features = _self.olLayer.getSource().getFeatures();
if ( features.length && features[ 0 ].get( 'features' ) ) {
_self.oldcluster.addFeatures( _self.clusters );
_self.clusters = features.slice( 0 );
_self.sourceChanged = true;
* Get the cluster that contains a feature
* @private
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype._getClusterForFeature = function(f, cluster) {
var _self = this._this || this;
for ( var j = 0 , c; c = cluster[ j ]; j++ ) {
var features = cluster[ j ].get( 'features' );
if ( features && features.length ) {
for ( var k = 0 , f2; f2 = features[ k ]; k++ ) {
if ( f === f2 ) {
return cluster[ j ];
return false;
* _stopAnimation
* @private
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype._stopAnimation = function() {
var _self = this._this || this;
_self.animation.start = false;
_self.animation.cA = [];
_self.animation.cB = [];
* animate the cluster
* @private
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype._animate = function(e) {
var _self = this._this || this;
var duration = _self.olLayer.get( 'animationDuration' );
if ( !duration ) return;
var resolution = e.frameState.viewState.resolution;
var a = _self.animation;
var time = e.frameState.time;
// Start a new animation, if change resolution and source has changed
if ( a.resolution != resolution && _self.sourceChanged ) {
var extent = e.frameState.extent;
if ( a.resolution < resolution ) {
extent = ol.extent.buffer( extent, 100 * resolution );
a.cA = _self.oldcluster.getFeaturesInExtent( extent );
a.cB = _self.olLayer.getSource().getFeaturesInExtent( extent );
a.revers = false;
} else {
extent = ol.extent.buffer( extent, 100 * resolution );
a.cA = _self.olLayer.getSource().getFeaturesInExtent( extent );
a.cB = _self.oldcluster.getFeaturesInExtent( extent );
a.revers = true;
a.clusters = [];
for ( var i = 0 , c0; c0 = a.cA[ i ]; i++ ) {
var f = c0.get( 'features' );
if ( f && f.length ) {
var c = _self._getClusterForFeature( f[ 0 ], a.cB );
if ( c ) a.clusters.push( {
f : c0,
pt : c.getGeometry().getCoordinates()
} );
// Save state
a.resolution = resolution;
_self.sourceChanged = false;
// No cluster or too much to animate
if ( !a.clusters.length || a.clusters.length > 1000 ) {
// Start animation from now
time = a.start = ( new Date() ).getTime();
// Run animation
if ( a.start ) {
var vectorContext = e.vectorContext;
var d = ( time - a.start ) / duration;
// Animation ends
if ( d > 1.0 ) {
d = 1;
d = _self.olLayer.get( 'animationMethod' )( d );
// Animate
var style = _self.olLayer.getStyle();
var stylefn = ( typeof ( style ) == 'function' ) ? style : style.length ? function() {
return style;
} : function() {
return [ style ];
// Layer opacity
e.context.globalAlpha = _self.olLayer.getOpacity();
// Retina device
var ratio = e.frameState.pixelRatio;
for ( var i = 0 , c; c = a.clusters[ i ]; i++ ) {
var pt = c.f.getGeometry().getCoordinates();
if ( a.revers ) {
pt[ 0 ] = c.pt[ 0 ] + d * ( pt[ 0 ] - c.pt[ 0 ] );
pt[ 1 ] = c.pt[ 1 ] + d * ( pt[ 1 ] - c.pt[ 1 ] );
} else {
pt[ 0 ] = pt[ 0 ] + d * ( c.pt[ 0 ] - pt[ 0 ] );
pt[ 1 ] = pt[ 1 ] + d * ( c.pt[ 1 ] - pt[ 1 ] );
// Draw feature
var st = stylefn( c.f, resolution );
/* Preserve pixel ration on retina */
var s;
var geo = new ol.geom.Point( pt );
for ( var k = 0; s = st[ k ]; k++ ) {
var sc;
// OL < v4.3 : setImageStyle doesn't check retina
var imgs = ol.Map.prototype.getFeaturesAtPixel ? false : s.getImage();
if ( imgs ) {
sc = imgs.getScale();
imgs.setScale( sc * ratio );
// OL3 > v3.14
if ( vectorContext.setStyle ) {
vectorContext.setStyle( s );
vectorContext.drawGeometry( geo );
// older version
else {
vectorContext.setImageStyle( imgs );
vectorContext.setTextStyle( s.getText() );
vectorContext.drawPointGeometry( geo );
if ( imgs ) imgs.setScale( sc );
// tell OL3 to continue postcompose animation
e.frameState.animate = true;
// Prevent layer drawing (clip with null rect)
e.context.rect( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
_self.clip_ = true;
* remove clipping after the layer is drawn
* @private
ugmp.layer.uGisClusterLayer.prototype._postanimate = function(e) {
var _self = this._this || this;
if ( _self.clip_ ) {
_self.clip_ = false;
} )();